



冯剑,男,安徽省庐江县人。1995.9-1998.6华东理工大学物理化学专业硕士研究生,2001.3-2004.6 华东理工大学化学工程专业博士研究生。1991.7-1995.9中国科学技术大学生物系工作,2005.7-2007.6 华东理工大学化学工程与技术博士后流动站博士后,1998.09-至今威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站工作。主讲《物理化学》、《物理化学实验》等课程。




1. 威廉希尔中文网站登录教学研究项目,应用型化工热力学课程改革与实践(2010jyz017)。

2. 威廉希尔中文网站登录教学研究项目,新形势下校企合作产学研合作人才培养面临的问题与对策(2016jy026)。

3. 威廉希尔中文网站登录教学研究项目,基于专业认证的应用化学“四位一体”人才培养研究与实践(2019jyz007)。

4. 安徽省教育厅自然科学研究项目,耗散粒子动力学基础及其应用研究(KJ2007B225)。

5. 安徽省教育厅自然科学研究项目,聚合物纳米孔迁移的动力学研究(KJ2011B116)。


1. 威廉希尔中文网站登录教学成果三等奖,化工热力学和结构化学等课程信息化改造的探索与实践(2017cgj17-1),第一。

2. 安徽省教学成果三等奖,基于应用化学省级重点建设学科平台培养区域经济发展需要的高素质应用型人才(2012cgj257-2),第二。


1. 冯剑,刘洪来,胡英. 基于化学缔合的链状Yukawa 流体的状态方程,化工学报,54(7), 2003: 881-885.

2.冯剑,刘洪来,胡英. 两性聚电解质溶液的分子热力学研究,化学学报, 62(3), 2004: 247-252.

3.冯剑,刘洪来,胡英. 耗散粒子动力学的优化修正Velocity-Verlet 算法,化工学报,57(8), 2006:1841-1847.

4. 冯剑, 黄永民, 刘洪来. 凝胶网络中溶剂性质的分子动力学模拟, 化工学报, 58(5), 2007:1073-1076.

5. Feng J, Liu H L, Hu Y. Molecular dynamics simulations of polyampholytes inside a slit, Molec. Simul., 31(10), 2005: 731-738.

6. Feng J, Liu H L, Hu Y. Molecular dynamics simulations of polyampholyte solutions: osmotic coefficient, Molec. Simul., 32(1), 2006: 51-57.

7Feng J, Liu H L, Hu Y. Mesophase separation of diblock copolymer confined in a cylindrical tube by dissipative particle dynamics, Macrom. Theory Simul., 15(9), 2006: 674-685.

8. Feng J, Liu H L, Hu Y. Micro-phase separation of diblock copolymer in a nanosphere: Dissipative particle dynamics approach, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 261, 2007: 50-57.

9. Feng J, Huang Y M, Liu H L, Hu Y. Morphologies of Diblock Copolymer Confined in a Slit with Patterned Surfaces Studied by Dissipative Particle Dynamics, Frontier of Chem. Eng. in China, 1(2), 2007: 132-139.

10. Feng J, Liu H L, Hu Y, Jiang. J W. Flow-induced Morphologies of Diblock Copolymer in a Cylindrical Tube Studied by Dissipative Particle Dynamics, Macrom. Theory Simul., 17(4-5), 2008: 163-170.

11. Feng J, Ge X T, Shang Y Z, Zhou L H, Liu H L, Hu Y. Translocation of polymer through a nanopore studied by dissipative particle dynamics, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 302(1-2), 2010:26-31.

12. Feng J, Shang Y Z, Zhou L L, Liu H L, Hu Y. Translocation of polymer through a nanopore studied by Langevin dynamics: Effect of the friction coefficient, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(2), 2012:231-238.

13. Xu Y, Feng J, Liu H L, Hu Y, Jiang J W. Molecular dynamics simulations for the interactions of polyelectrolyte with oppositely charged monomeric and dimeric surfactants, Molec. Simul., 33(3), 2007: 261-268.

14. Hu J, Zhou L H, Feng J, Liu H L, Hu Y. Nonideal mixed micelles of homologous Gemini surfactants and application as template for mesoporous materials MCM-48, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 315, 2007: 761-767.

15. Xu Y, Feng J, Shang Y Z, Liu H L. Molecular dynamic simulation for the effect of chain length of spacer and tail of cationic gemini surfactant on the complex with anionic polyelectrolyte, Chinese J. Chem. Eng., 15(4), 2007: 560-565.

16. Xu Y, Feng J, Liu H L, Hu Y. Microphase separation of graft-diblock copolymer by dissipative particle dynamics simulation, Molec. Simul., 34(5), 2008: 559-565.

17. Xu Y, Feng J, Zhang Z, Wang Y, Chen J, Zhu X. Depletion phenomenon in diblock copolymer films: a dissipative particle dynamics simulation, Molec. Simul., 36(6), 2010: 468-473.

18. Xiao X Q, Huang Y M, Feng J, Liu H L, Hu Y. Microphase Separation of a Diblock Copolymer Dispersed in Nanorod Arrays Grafted on a Plate: A Monte Carlo Study, Macrom. Theory Simul., 20, 2011: 124-132.

19. Liu Z H, Shang Y Z, Feng J, Peng C J, Liu H L, Hu Y. Effect of Hydrophilicity or Hydrophobicity of Polyelectrolyte on the Interaction between Polyelectrolyte and Surfactants: Molecular Dynamics Simulations, J. Phys. Chem. B, 116, 2012: 5516-5526.

20. Xu Y, Feng J, Chen J, Xiang M H, Song X W, Zhu Y W. Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation of Microphase Separation Behaviors in Graft Diblock Copolymer Films, Polym. Sci., Ser. A, 55(3), 2013:198-203.

21. Xu Y, Wang L L, Yan H, Wang Y, Feng J. Dissipative particle dynamics simulation for the effect of interaction on the self-assembly behaviours of heterogemini surfactant in aqueous solution, Molec. Phys., 114(2), 2015:304-314.


