



陈玉萍,女,贵州织金人,20109月毕业于南京大学,获博士学位,20115月至今在威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站工作,威廉希尔中文网站登录“双能型”教师。主要讲授材料科学基础、无机材料合成、新能源材料设计与制备、材料科学基础实验、无机化学实验等课程。主持四类科研项目1项,参与二类科研项目3项,三类科研项目3项,四类科研项目多项,主持横向课题多项。主持四类教研项目3项,三类教研项目2项,参与各类教研项目多项。共发表教研论文2篇,学术论文20余篇(SCI  15篇,EI  1篇)。




1.  应用型人才培养模式下《无机材料合成》教学改革与探索,2013jyy003,四类,主持;

2. 无机材料合成优质课程,2015yzkc13,四类,主持;

3. 无机材料科学基础课程综合改革,2018kcgg030,四类,主持;

4. 无机材料合成课程思政项目,2019kggg122,三类,主持;

5. 新工科建设理念下无机非金属材料工程专业改造升级探索与实践,2021xgk02,三类,主持,在研;

6. 金属氧化物一维纳米材料的制备及其气敏性能研究,国家自然科学基金项目(20471055),二类,参与;

7. 氧化锌多孔分级结构的制备及其气敏性能研究(KJ2013B190),安徽省教育厅自然科学基金一般项目,四类,主持;

8. 多孔过渡金属配合物的合成、结构和性质研究,南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室开放基金,三类,排名第2

9. 自组装多层金属氧化物气敏元件的制备及其气敏性能研究(2011qd005,滁洲学院科研启动基金,五类,主持;

10. 层状过渡金属氧化物与聚合物的插层复合及其电性能研究(20773065),国家自然科学基金项目,二类,排名第3

11. 红外光谱选择性低发射率光子晶体的组成结构调控及性能研究(61705029),国家自然科学基金项目,二类,排名第4

12. 基于柔性蒽羧酸有机-金属多孔配合物的合成、结构、构效关系和应用研究(KJ2016A533),安徽省教育厅重点项目,三类,排名第5

13. 多面体ZnSnO3基车载乙醇传感器构筑及其特性研究,安徽省教育厅一般项目,四类,排名第4

14. 超疏水低红外发射率涂层的构建及应用性能研究,安徽省高等学校科研计划重点项目,三类,排名第2,在研;


1. Yuxi Liu, Yuping Chen, Xuechen Huang, Gang Wu. Biomimetic synthesis of calcium carbonate with different morphologies and polymorphs in the presence of bovine serum albumin and soluble starch. Materials Science and Engineering C, 2017, 79:457-464.

2.陈玉萍; 韩荧荧;吴刚. 羧酸对CaCO3晶型的影响. 人工晶体学报. 2014, 43(12), 3337-3341.

3. Chen, Y. P.; Lu, C. L.; Xu, L.; Ma, Y.; Hou, W. H.; Zhu, J. J., Single-Crystalline Orthorhombic Molybdenum Oxide Nanobelts: Synthesis and Photocatalytic CrystEngComm. 2010, 11, (12), 3740-3747

4. Chen, Y. P.; Yang, G.; Zhang Z. H.; Yang X. Y.; Hou, W. H.; Zhu, J. J., Polyaniline-intercalated layered vanadium oxide nanocomposites - One-pot hydrothermal synthesis and application in lithium battery. Nanoscale 2010, 2, (10), 2131-2138

5. Ma, Y.; Chen, Y. P.; Xu, L.; Zhai, Z.; Yang, X. Y.; Hou, W. H., Preparation and Applications of Some Layered Nanocomposites. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2010, 26, (4), 551-559.

6.Hu, F. N.; Chen, Y. P.; Zhu, J. J., Synthesis, Characterization of Multiangular Nickel Nanoparticles and its Photocatalytic Properties after Loaded TiO2. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2009, 25, (1), 81-86.

7. Xu, L.; Shen, J. M.; Lu, C. L.; Chen, Y. P.; Hou, W. H., Self-Assembled Three-Dimensional Architectures of Y2(WO4)3: Eu: Controlled Synthesis, Growth Mechanism, and Shape-Dependent Luminescence Properties. Crystal Growth & Design 2009, 9, (7), 3129-3136.
Xu, L.; Lu, C. L.; Shen, J. M.; Chen, Y. P.; Zhang, Z. H.; Hou, W. H., New red phosphor with a high color purity: controlled synthesis of 3D architectures of YW2O6(OH)3 : Eu. CrystEngComm. 2009, 11, (7), 1323-1330.

9.Miao, J. J.; Jie, G. F.; Chen, Y. P.; Zhang, L.; Jiang, L. P.; Zhu, J. J., Synthesis of novel chalcogenide 'lifebelts' and their electrogenerated chemiluminescence. Chemical Communications 2008, (32), 3762-3764.

10.Xu, J. Q.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, Y. P.; Xiang, Q.; Pan, Q. Y.; Shi, L. Y., Uniform ZnO nanorods can be used to improve the response of ZnO gas sensor. Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials 2008, 150, (1), 55-60.

11.Xu, J.; Chen, Y.; Shen, J., Ethanol sensor based on hexagonal indium oxide nanorods prepared by solvothermal methods. Materials Letters 2008, 62, (8-9), 1363-1365.

12.Xu, J. Q.; Chen, Y. P.; Pan, Q. Y.; Xiang, Q.; Cheng, Z. X.; Dong, X. W., A new route for preparing corundum-type In2O3 nanorods used as gas-sensing materials. Nanotechnology 2007, 18, (11).

13.Xu, J. Q.; Chen, Y. P.; Chen, D. Y.; Shen, J. N., Hydrothermal synthesis and gas sensing characters of ZnO nanorods. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2006, 113, (1), 526-531.

14. Xu, J. Q.; Chen, Y. P.; Shen, J. N., Solvothermal preparation and gas sensing properties of ZnO whiskers. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2006, 6, (1), 248-253.

15. Xu, J. Q.; Chen, Y. P.; Li, C.; Shen, J. N., Gasoline sensor based on flower-like ZnO. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 2006, 35, 106-109.

16.Xu, J. Q.; Chen, Y. P.; Li, Y. D.; Shen, J. N., Gas sensing properties of ZnO nanorods prepared by hydrothermal method. Journal of Materials Science 2005, 40, (11), 2919-2921.

17. 陈玉萍; 徐甲强; 方少明.现代测试技术在纳米材料研究中的应用.化学研究与应用,2004, 16(5):593-596

